Gallery Vertigo Opening
9.9.09 5pm - 10pm
Hosting an array of contemporary artists, Vertigo opening night will have interpreted the deaths of many famous artists from the late 19th through the late 20th centuries. Everything on exhibition this evening will be entirely interactive. Please touch, look and explore every aspect of the exhibit. Whether or not the scenes interpret the actual deaths themselves is entirely up to our artists. The tragic scenes are to be followed by eulogies for the artists depicted, and read or preformed by the artists that created the pieces on display.
The "wake" will soon be followed by a cocktail dance party in the gallery's basement. The Vertigo-go is a performance space that will be used to host receptions, performance art and film.
Previews for upcoming exhibitions will also be displayed separately from the main exhibit.
Artist Assignment_____________________________________________
Interpret the deaths of artists from the late 19th through the 20th century in attempt to "make way for the art of our time." Please use any medium necessary to express your interpretation. Patrons of the gallery are encouraged to interact with the pieces, so please keep that in mind while constructing and installation of the piece.